Alter Trade Japan (ATJ)
Balangon has been a P2P commodity in Japan market for 30 years. This is being facilitated by Alter Trade Japan (ATJ).This started with trial operations in Negros in 1989. Green Coop in Fukuoka, Japan was its first initial market.
As a P2P commodity, Japanese consumers patronize Balangon because of its social value. The triumphs and challenges of our producers that Balangon banners make it more striking to the Japanese consumers.
Currently, Balangon were distributed to 8 major Japanese cooperative networks namely Green Coop, Seikatsu-Club ,GPS, Seikatsu Club-Kansai, Daichi, Niigata, Radish Boya and Ai-coop. Majority of Balangon is then being delivered by the cooperatives to consumers’ household. Small portions are displayed to coops stores.
People's Fair Trade Coop (PTCoop)
Balangon importation to Korea as regular p2p commodity started in August 2017. This was through Alternative People's Network for Peace and Life (APNET).
In July 2018, Alternative People's Network for Peace and Life (APNET) renamed their company into People Fair Trade Cooperative (PTCoop) when DURE Consumers Union, Hansallim, Women's Coop and University Coop decided to join as shareholder of APNET and as their importing company. The cooperation makes them the second largest consumer cooperative network in Korea.
Balangon banana in Korea is currently only being distributed by DURE Consumers Union through their network of 300 coop stores nationwide. DURE market while is similar to Japan's consumers cooperative system, is different in the sense because commodities are 80% bought through the strategically located DURE coop stores. Only 20% are direct home delivery.